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What is Anxiety?

Anxiety can be descirbed as an underlying feeling of nervousness or excessive worrying that interferes with daily activities.


Anxiety can include social anxiety, such as feeling uncomfortable or worrying excessively about what could happen outside of the home or in social situtions; generalized anxiety disorder, where you worry excessively about things in your day-to-day life; and even specific phobias and OCD can be brought under the anxiety umbrella.

Anxiety Assistance

​Many therapists at our practice specialize in anxiety or related mental health issues. We are here to help. You and your therapist will make a plan and guide you through managing your anxiety.


CBT or cognitive behavoiral therapy is the most common therapy type used with anxiety, but your therapist may also use DBT, or dialectical behavoiral therapy, or other therapy types that they will discuss with you during your first session.



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Make an appoinment for anxiety today!

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